Do you need to get individual health insurance in Arizona for 2023? It’s almost time to enroll. Learn more with our 2023 Guide To Open Enrollment In Arizona.

Open Enrollment 2023: Don’t Miss the Enrollment Window

Click here to easily find a local Arizona agent to help you get individual health insurance during open enrollment.

While we spend the latter part of the year focused on the holidays, October and November are also the time to pay some attention to your needs for individual health insurance in Arizona. We are rapidly approaching the window in which Arizona residents looking for health insurance for themselves and their families need to evaluate, choose, and enroll in individual health insurance plans.

For Arizona residents who do not have health insurance through their employer, the “open enrollment” period that comes with the end of each year is a critical time. Open enrollment may be your only opportunity to obtain or modify your coverage for the coming year. If open enrollment comes and goes this year without you taking any action to sign up for a plan, you may be out of luck, facing the prospect of living without marketplace health coverage during 2023.

That is likely a scary thought – and it should be. As health insurance rates are on the rise, more and more Arizonans are concerned that without coverage, an illness or injury to themselves or a member of their family could cost them dearly. In this time of uncertainty amid a global pandemic, a lack of health insurance is a potential catastrophe in waiting.

Here is what you need to know about open enrollment to obtain individual health insurance in Arizona with coverage starting January 1, 2023:

What Does “Open Enrollment” Mean?

Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), individuals can only apply for health insurance coverage during a designated Open Enrollment Period or during what is called a Special Enrollment Period.

Individuals who do not obtain coverage during the Open Enrollment Period can only get or modify coverage outside of that timeframe if and when a “qualifying life event” occurs (which triggers a Special Enrollment Period). Such events include:

  • Loss of existing coverage due to job loss, disqualification from Medicare or Medicaid, or aging out of coverage under a parent’s plan
  • Birth, adoption, death of a named insured, marriage, or divorce
  • Moving to an area outside of your existing insurer’s coverage
  • Becoming a U.S. citizen or release from incarceration

When Is The Open Enrollment Period For Individual Health Insurance Coverage For 2023?

You may recall that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the government added an additional Open Enrollment Period for 2021 coverage that began on February 15, 2021, and ended on August 15, 2021. However, in most years, the Open Enrollment Period comes near the end of the calendar year, as it does this year for 2023 plans. But the next opportunity to obtain individual health insurance in Arizona through the Open Enrollment Period starts on November 1, 2022, and continues through January 15, 2022.

Where Do I Get Individual Health Insurance Coverage in Arizona?

Click here to find a local Arizona agent near you to help you find health insurance.

Private health insurance companies offer individual health insurance plans through online portals called exchanges. While several states operate their own exchanges, many others, including Arizona, use the federally established exchange: That means Arizona residents must go through that site to obtain coverage offered through the exchange.

The exchange can be very confusing to use, especially if you want to get individual health insurance that offers the best coverage and value for your situation.  That is why we recommend you work with a local health insurance agent.  There is not additional cost to you.

Who Offers Individual Health Insurance Coverage For 2022?

Arizona has seven insurers offering the calendar year 2023 coverage on the exchange. They are:

  • Aetna/Banner CVS Health
  • Ambetter
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona
  • Bright Health
  • Cigna
  • Medica
  • Oscar
  • United Healthcare

However, not all insurers offer coverage in all parts of the state, so to get individual health insurance plans from many of these companies will vary depending on where you live.

Click here to search our directory of local Arizona agents near you to help you find affordable health insurance during open enrollment.